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Extended abstract

**Measuring Migration Conference**, Nuffield College, University of Oxford | June 9-10, 2022 _Session 1a, How do we measure migration? Methods and Advancements._

Dataset of Multi-aspect Integrated Migration Indicators

Nowadays, new branches of research are proposing the use of non-traditional data sources for the study of migration trends in order to find an original methodology to answer open questions about the human mobility framework. In this context we …

Multi-aspect Integrated Migration Indicators (MIMI) dataset

Nowadays, new branches of research are proposing the use of non-traditional data sources for the study of migration trends in order to find an original methodology to answer open questions about cross-border human mobility. The Multi-aspect …

NLP for Twitter hate speech detection

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Medium stories

Articles about Computer Science published for Analytics Vidhya and Towards AI tech communities.

Implementation of a Neural Network from scratch

Implementation of a Neural Network from scratch in Python for the Machine Learning course.

Unconstrained Optimization Algorithms

Computing the 2-norm for a rectangular matrix (unconstrained approach) using two optimization algorithms, the Standard gradient descent (steepest descent) method, and the Quasi-Newton method. Project for the Master Course of *Computational Mathematics for Learning and Data Analysis*.