NLP for Twitter hate speech detection

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Implementation of a Neural Network from scratch

Implementation of a Neural Network from scratch in Python for the Machine Learning course.

Among AI's videogame

Software development in team for MSc course of Smart Applications.

Data Mining Project

Data Mining analysis on customers' shopping behavior

Unconstrained Optimization Algorithms

Computing the 2-norm for a rectangular matrix (unconstrained approach) using two optimization algorithms, the Standard gradient descent (steepest descent) method, and the Quasi-Newton method. Project for the Master Course of *Computational Mathematics for Learning and Data Analysis*.

Gated Recurrent Neural Network for timeseries prediction

Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) to predict energy consumption from multivariate timeseries.

Embodied intelligence, a review.

A presentation about the question of embodiment in behaviour-based robots (MSc course of Robotics)

Hidden Markov Model for regime detection

Python analysis of timeseries to cluster ranges of consumption, using Hidden Markov Models with Gaussian emissions.

SmartBin, IoT project

SmartBin, a smart solution for improvements on garbage management system. An intelligent bin that monitors itself.

The AI (in)justice league

A report on Algorithmic Bias, why it is ethically problematic and how to handle it.